The Jakarta Activation API provides a data-driven framework for handling various data types and MIME types, enabling Java applications to identify and process different data formats dynamically. It is essential for applications dealing with email, messaging, and other data formats.
Ensure you're using a compatible version from the table above.
Manifest File Information
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Jakarta Activation API
Bundle-SymbolicName: jakarta.activation-api
Bundle-Version: 2.1.1
Bundle-Description: Jakarta Activation API provides the framework for handling data and MIME types in a generic, data-driven way.
Export-Package: jakarta.activation;version="2.1.1"
Bundle-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation
Automatic-Module-Name: jakarta.activation
Specification-Title: Jakarta Activation API
Specification-Version: 2.1
Specification-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation
Implementation-Title: jakarta.activation-api
Implementation-Version: 2.1.1
Implementation-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation