Jakarta Servlet API

The Jakarta Servlet API provides a standardized set of APIs for handling HTTP requests and responses in Java web applications, essential for server-side application development.

Maven Dependency


Version Compatibility and Requirements

VersionMinimum Java VersionCompatible Spring FrameworkCompatible Spring Boot
5.0.0Java 8Spring Framework 5.3+Spring Boot 2.4+
4.0.1Java 7Spring Framework 4.3+Spring Boot 2.0+
3.1.0Java 6Spring Framework 3.2+Spring Boot 1.5+

Common Java Classes

Known Vulnerabilities

VulnerabilityVersion AffectedFixed In
Potential Security Misconfiguration4.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.servlet.ServletThe `jakarta.servlet-api` dependency is missing from the project.Add the following dependency in pom.xml:
NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/servlet/HttpServletThe dependency might be present in pom.xml, but not loaded due to a failed build or classpath issue.Run mvn clean install to rebuild the project and ensure dependencies are correctly loaded.
ServletExceptionIncorrect configuration or initialization in the servlet environment.Check the servlet mappings and ensure the `web.xml` or annotations are configured correctly.

Manifest File Information

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Jakarta Servlet API
Bundle-SymbolicName: jakarta.servlet-api
Bundle-Version: 5.0.0
Bundle-Description: Jakarta Servlet API provides the specifications for handling HTTP requests and responses in Java web applications.
Bundle-License: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
Export-Package: jakarta.servlet;version="5.0.0"
Require-Capability: osgi.ee;filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version>=8))"
Bundle-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation
Automatic-Module-Name: jakarta.servlet
Specification-Title: Jakarta Servlet API
Specification-Version: 5.0
Specification-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation
Implementation-Title: jakarta.servlet-api
Implementation-Version: 5.0.0
Implementation-Vendor: Eclipse Foundation


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